Preliminary Notes on the Racial Imaginary and Other Marks of Coloniality in Social Work: the Case of the National University of Mar del Plata in the Period 2021-2022


  • Ornella Pollini Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata (UNMdP), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Author


Social Work, Coloniality, Racial Imaginary, Pedagogical Theories and Practices, Hi- gher Education


This study presents the general guidelines of a research in progress which tries to analyze the racial imaginary and other marks of coloniality, to deepen their relation with the theories and pedagogical practices within the program of the degree in Social Work, from the Health Sciences and Social Work Department (FCSyTS in Spanish), at the National University of Mar del Plata (UNMdP in Spanish). In addition, some of the data obtained so far are systematized and presented in a preliminary and general way, in order to present our progress in this study. Thus, three great questions that build the research problem are presented, together with the results: the problematization of the notion of “training” to propose the name of the theories and pedagogical practices given the dialogic relationships evidenced in the classroom, the silen- ced and denied circulation of the racial imaginary and the presence of critical discourses against other marks of coloniality of a structural nature, in the universe of study analyzed.


