The “associated management”: situation, challenges and perspectives in Latin America


  • Sol Suleydy Gaitán Pineda Asociación Colectivo Huitaca. Colombia, Bogotá Author
  • Lilibeth Diane Mellizo Camacho Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia, Bogotá Author
  • Clara Inés Leguizamón Corredor Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia, Bogotá Author
  • Lida Alexandra Isaza Sandoval Universidad de la Sabana, Facultad de Educación. Colombia, Chía Author


Gestión asociada, Participatory methodologies, Participatory planning, Co-management


The article exposes the results of the research: "State of the Art of the Gestión Asociada 1990 2017", which are organized in the light of five axes: definition of the Gestión Asociada, theoretical referents, methodological approaches, experiences of application of the Gestión Asociada and, critiques and challenges of the Gestión Asociada. A series of conclusions and comments are proposed, based on the fore- going, among which the following stand out: the prevalence of the theoretical-conceptual referents that emerged in the Argentine sphere (PPGA-FLACSO program and the figure of H. Poggiese); the understanding of the meaning and meaning of the Gestión Asociada that is supported in three major conceptions -not excluding-; territory, local development, participation, participatory planning, as concepts on which the proposal of the Gestión Asociada stands; and the main methodologies implemented: Participatory planning for planning-management scenarios (The Cycle), Associated Management for strategic implementation and / or intersectorial management of complexity and / or network management.


