A place to live: An Insight into Land Occupation in Contemporary Córdoba


  • Paula Paula Reinoso UA Área de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades UCC-CONICET. Obispo Trejo 323, Córdoba, Argentina Author


Social conflicts, Córdoba, Struggles, Occupation, Land


The struggle for the access, distribution and use of land has been a historically disputed axis in Latin America. Thus, there have been several events of land occupation in the history of our societies. In the province of Córdoba, in recent years there has been growing conflict regarding this problem, especially in the Metropolitan Area. There, a particularly hostile scenario has been set for the low-income population, where 48% of households in the province suffer from housing shortage; added to a process of commodification of the land, as well as investment and market- oriented public policies, all of these has aggravated socio-spatial segregation. Therefore, in this work we intend to investigate the emergency conditions of different events of land occupation and identify and characterize the moments of greatest conflict in the history of contemporary Córdoba. Methodologically, we resort to secondary sources such as reports, news reports, and research records in our analysis.


