Identifying Territory-building Processes in the Peri-urban Area of the Cluster of Villa María – Villa Nueva, Córdoba, Argentina


  • L. Ana Guzmán Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Av. Jauretche 1555, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina Author
  • Dafne A. Mizdraje Instituto Multidisciplinario de Investigación y Transferencia Agroalimentaria y Biotecnología-CONICET. Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Av. Jauretche 1555, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina Author
  • Virginia Re Instituto de Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Av. Jauretche 1555, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina Author
  • Luciana Pierotti Universidad Nacional de Villa María. Av. Jauretche 1555, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina Author
  • Marcelo Álvarez Instituto de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Villa María, Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina Author


Territorial planning, Environment, Society, Participatory


The processes that shape the peri-urban space in cities are vital since the performative variables of reality can be known from them. At present, the implementation of land use planning policies based on scientific knowledge and that contemplate a participatory construction is a pending issue. This work sought to identify the multiple territorial processes that gave rise to the spatial building of the peri-urban cluster Villa María - Villa Nueva, Córdoba. To this end, quantitative methodologies were applied to local spatialities, as well as qualitative ones such as historization, normative survey, and the development of interviews and workshops with a predominant participatory nature. The results obtained made it possible to envisage significant differences regarding the distribution of activities, land use, and its regulation. The foregoing reveals that the role of the actors expresses patterns of socio-territorial appropriation and the shaping of dissimilar spatialities.


