Syrian and Lebanese Immigration in Santa Fe. Memories and Discourse that Question the Historical Museum of Santa Fe


  • Analía Verónica Molinari Museo Histórico Provincial de Santa Fe “Brigadier General Estanislao López”, Santa Fe, Argentina Author
  • María Virginia Pisarello Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Santa Fe, Argentina – Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, Entre Ríos, Argentina Author


inmigración siria, inmigración libanesa, memorias, museos, Santa Fe


This paper focuses on the Syrian and Lebanese immigration that settled in Santa Fe in the interwar period and the museographic narratives that circulate about them, in the region. The construction of networks between Argentina and the Middle East was strengthened with the arrival of thousands of Syrian and Lebanese immigrants, as well as other nationalities, from the end of the 19th century and throughout the first half of the 20th century. These immigrants, who were usually identified as "Turks" or "Arabs," founded multiple associations and spaces for sociability in the city of Santa Fe and its area of influence, many of which continue to this day. However, their presence was made invisible by Eurocentric historiography and museography, which focused on western European immigrant groups. This had a decisive impact on the patri- monialization process of the Historical Museum of Santa Fe (MHSF), which this paper reviews.


