Uprooted Saying and Re-Existence. A Retrospective Review of the Evolution of a Research Process


  • Silvia C. Valiente Instituto Regional de Estudios Socio-Culturales (IRES); Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cien- tíficas y Técnicas - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (CONICET-UNCA); Escuela de Arqueología - Universidad Nacional de Catamarca (EDA-UNCA). Catamarca, Argentina. Author


Re-existence, Out-of-place Sayings, Strangeness


This writing takes a retrospective look at situations that occurred in an insight process developed within the framework of a research project under my direction, accredited by the Secretary of Research and Postgraduate Studies of the University of Catamarca (2019-2021). In it, we examine the notion of re-existence proposed by the Colombian thinker Albán, who appealed to it to refer to the experience of slaves on colonial country estates in the Patía region (Cauca, Colombia), who, by preserving their diet not only resisted the colonizer but also reinvented their life. In spite of differences, in our project, we set out to investigate/think about whether its use of this idea would be appropriate in Andalgalá (a town in northwestern Argentina), a spatiality also affected by dispossession due to the metal mega-mining that has been developed for almost three decades in the region. Some members of this research project have been questioning about this place for several years.






Ensayos y perspectivas de investigación