The Development of Higher Education in South Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego


  • Eliana A. Lucero Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur (UNTDF), Instituto de la Educación y el Conocimiento (IEC), Licenciatura en Gestión Educativa. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego AeIAS, Argentina. Author


Higher Education, Territorialization, South Patagonia


The territorial development in Higher Education in South Patagonia is quite recent in time, especially in Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands province, unlike the rest of the levels of the educational system. Particularly, few writings were found with reference to the development of Higher Education in the region, in comparison with the rest of the juris- dictions of the country, generating a gap in the information available for future research. The- refore, the purpose of this essay is to characterize the installation and development of Higher Level Education in the southern region, through a review of some articles that were found. This characterization ranges from the 1960s, the moment when the focus on adult education began, to more contemporary milestones, such as the creation of the National University Tierra del Fuego and the development of provincial Higher Education institutes for teachers.






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