The Self-production of the Habitat as "Common", Experiences in the Heat of Resistance in the Metropolitan Area of Córdoba (2014-2019)


  • Ana Laura Elorza Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) - Instituto de Investiga- ción de Vivienda y Hábitat (Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Desarrollo Humano) Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC). Córdoba, Argentina. Author


Social production of the habitat, Popular neighborhood, Community, Common, Resistances


Current cities are characterized by going through a process of deepening socio-territorial in- equalities based on the advance of urban neoliberalism and the appropriation of territories as a profitability strategy. However, various social groups dispute the spaces that capital captures through collective strategies of resistance, highlighting the dimension of "the common", gi- ven the exercise of collective, collaborative, or community-based senses. This article aims to analyze and interpret two experiences of social self-production of the habitat from the com- mon in the face of expulsion strategies derived from speculative processes of land and real estate business, within the framework of the particularities that this process of dispossession assumes in the metropolitan area of the city of Cordoba (Argentina). The methodological stra- tegy is interpretative ( qualitative type); it inquires about the experiences from the perspective of the actors in their own territories, to demonstrate a specific situation of the social reality characterized by processes of fragility and, at the same time, the potential to contribute to the Habitat production from the common.


