Fictions, Documents and Stories: the Representations of Prostitutes in Fuegopatagonia


  • María Laura Ise Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado (ICSE) - Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur (UNTDF). Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur (AIAS), Argentina. Author
  • Betiana C. Bellofatto ICSE - UNTDF. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego AIAS, Argentina. Author
  • Paula I. Velozo ICSE - UNTDF. Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego AIAS, Argentina. Author


Women’s history, Prostitution, Representations, Audiovisual


This article presents a preliminary research experience that contrasts different documentary and audiovisual sources regarding the history of women in Fuegopatagonia, specifically on the topic of prostitution. The aim is to analyze the representation of prostitutes through different axes, taking into account the specific approaches of each analyzed piece. On the one hand, the fiction-featured film La Tierra del Fuego se apaga (Emilio Fernández, 1955); on the other, the recovery of Petrona Morel’s voice from the raw footage of an interview produced in the nineties for the television program Punto y Coma (Ushuaia). The analysis is contextualized through oral history sources and archival material recovered by different researchers on the topic in this region.






Ensayos y perspectivas de investigación