Between Unfinished Descentralization and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Papaloapan River Basin, Mexico (2018-2022). Diagnosis and Challenges for Public


  • María Griselda Günther Departamento de Política y Cultura, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (PyC, UAM-X). Ciudad de México, México. Author
  • Alejandra Toscana Aparicio Departamento de Política y Cultura, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco (PyC, UAM-X). Ciudad de México, México. Author


Water, Water Management, Water sector reforms, Communities, Climate change


This article studies the operation of water policies in the Papaloapan River basin and the roles played by local communities in the process of adaptation to climate change. The analysis focuses on the process of decentralization of water management promoted through reforms in the sector that aim at decentralization in its form, but that still continue to operate centrally in some respects. The way in which adaptation materializes through actors not formally recognized by the State is analyzed. The investigation allows us to identify that there are no previous works for the basin that integrate public policies, local actors and the sectors of water for consumption and agriculture in the adaptation process. The results point to the need to recognize the importance of the knowledge of ecosystems and local dynamics for adaptation, the strengthening of management capacities, communication between levels, and the adequacy of normal decentralization processes that allow a real comprehensive and integrated water management.


