Contextualization and Mapping of Argentine Teacher Training. The Case of the Province of Santa Cruz


  • Valeria Bedacarratx Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Centro de Investigación y Transferencia Santa Cruz (CIT SC); Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral (UNPA), Unidad Académica San Julián (UASJ). Puerto San Julián, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Author


Teacher Training, Higher Education, Santa Cruz


This article partially recovers the productions and contributions of the Research Project entitled 'Teaching Training and Work in Santa Cruz. Regulations, proposals and demands of a State profession' (PI UNPA 29D/97), belonging to the Public and Social Policies Program of the National University of Southern Patagonia (Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia Austral). It proposed an exploratory study based on the systematization and triangulation of data obtained from the tracking of a variety of sources, with the goal of contributing to the description and knowledge of the current status of teacher training offerings in the provincial territory, and taking into account its linkage with the national context. Particularly, the development proposed here focuses, on the one hand, on systematizing the characteristics of the teacher training subsystem in our country, marked by its dual or binary constitution, and whose policies and organization are shaping the object of study that concerns us; and, on the other hand, on accounting for a 'mapping' of the public and private institutions that currently offer teacher training courses in the province, with a view to offering elements that could eventually serve as input in the orientation of teacher training policies and inter-institutional coordination for their development.


