“De los hoyos de donde sacaron las piedras para construir los montecillos”: the underground system of the ancient city of Teotihuacan


  • Natalia Moragas Segura Departamento de Historia y Arqueología. Universitat de Barcelona. Carrer Montalegre, 6, 08001, Barcelona Author


Teotihuacan, Caves, Cosmovision, Power


To think about Teotihuacan takes us back to the great pyramids and temples but there is a whole underground city below, that shows us the role of architecture related to the underworld that it is linked to the power of the elites. The role of caves and tunnels form part of the history of Teotihuacan as ritual places, storage areas and burial sites Their role will change over time Classic to Postclassic related to the change of the cosmovision and the political power of the city.


