Producing and harvesting tobacco in Northern Argentina. Between the social control and the interventionist-welfare state (1920-1960)


  • Noemí Girbal-Blacha Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, Roque Sáenz Peña 352, Bernal, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author


Tabacco, northwestern Argentina, Croppers, Harvesters


This regional historical study analyzes the production and living conditions of to- bacco’s farmers (croppers and harvesters) in northern Argentina (25.7% of the country). This territory’s development was delayed due to the predominance of the agro-exporting model since the late Nineteenth Century. In this border region, the internal contrasts were significant: a high bourgeoisie in the northwest (NOA) which is absent in the northeast (NEA). By analyzing original primary sources, this article focuses on the subjects of social control carried out in a planned economy.


