A participatory management proposal to enhance the cemetery of Misión Salesiana Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria in Río Grande (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)


  • Pamela García Laborde Pamela García Laborde. CONICET-Laboratorio de Ecología Evolutiva Humana (LEEH), NEIPHPA-UNCPBA Subsede Quequén. Calle 508 nº 881, Quequén, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Author
  • María Eugenia Conforti CONICET, Instituto de Investigaciones Arqueológicas y Paleontológicas del Cuaternario Pampeano (INCUAPA CONICET UNICEN), PATRIMONIA, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, UNCPBA. Av. del Valle 5737, Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Author
  • Magali Golfieri Red Argentina de Valoración y Gestión Patrimonial de Cementerios. Colegio Juan Gutenberg. Larrea 248, San Carlos, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina Author


archaeological heritage, Salesian Mission, participative management, human remains


In a social context of vindication and claiming of justice for indigenous rights, ar- chaeological research requires new conceptual and practical tools to deal with social aspects linked to previous protocols of informed consent, to carry out archaeological research and excavations, restitution of ancestral bone remains and the management of cultural heritage enhancement. This research focuses on a methodological proposal to enhance the Cemetery of Misión Salesiana Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria in Río Grande, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, from a participatory management perspective. In this proposal the identification of special interest groups, the survey and the evaluation of their opinions and assessments become crucial to project future actions in order to promote management of archaeological heritage. This option is a valuable resource since different special interest groups are recognized and included from the beginning of the planning.


