Risk and productivity. Territory and power structure


  • Luis Ernesto Blacha Luis Ernesto Blacha. CONICET-CEAR/UNQ, Roque Sáenz Peña 352, Bernal, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author


power, risk, territory, productivity


The aim of this short article is to highlight the importance of some tools of contem- porary sociology to interpellate the transforming capacity of social bonds in relation to the territory. The spatial nature of the social framework enables a more complex transforming capacity of power, as a key input to increase productivity, which will resignify the relationship within the scope of interaction. The complexity of the so- cial bonds needed in the productive system requires the increasing number of the politicized aspects of life that can be modified. The governmentality states how to differentiate each space, what or who occupies it and what the bonds between the components are like. A new setting of the space changes the local and global bond and derives in a logic, in which the productive system is going to foster the interde- pendence between distant contexts related to power bonds. Risk is considered as a constitutive part of the spatial transformations depending on power relationships.


