City of Ushuaia: Approaches for the analysis of its socio-spatial configuration (1996-2016)


  • María Fernanda Moreno Russo Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado-UNTDF. Walanika 250. Ushuaia, Argentina Author
  • Camila Aldana Cantero Instituto de Desarrollo Económico e Innovación-UNTDF. Walanika 250. Ushuaia, Argentina Author
  • Mayra Yamila Díaz Instituto de Cultura, Sociedad y Estado-UNTDF. Walanika 250. Ushuaia, Argentina Author


Ushuaia, Socio, Socio Spatial configuration, Produced city, Local state


It is clearly perceived that the urgent precarious housing problem affects both the social and the natural environment of the city of Ushuaia. In the last decades, the- re have been important socio-demographic transformations that affected the so- cio-spatial configuration of cities among other issues. Since 1996, Town Halls have played a leading role in the production of land and housing to address the Fuegian housing problem. This paper examines the historical and demographic profile and the socio-housing characteristics of Ushuaia between 1996 and 2016. The nature of the topic dictates the use of both a descriptive approach of the natural environ- ment where the city is located, and a comprehensive approach of the dynamics and specifications of its socio-spatial configuration, as well. The focus is on the role of the local state in this matter for the lapse 1996-2016.


