Letter writing as a historical source and a historical agent: a case study of Bolivian caudillismo


  • Pol Colàs Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, España Author


writings, letters, sources, history, Bolivia, Caudillismo


This article aims to discuss the importance of written sources for history; especially the epistolary genre including the most novel opinions that historiography provi- des us with. This paper examines the benefits of the study of letters in a historical research, as well as the series of risks involved when letters are used as historical sources. The interpretation of historians must bridge the gap between orality and letter writing. Besides, letter writing subjectivity has to be overcome and possible deceit has to be cast aside or to be used with the strict application of the scientific method. Nineteenth century Bolivian caudillismo is the topic chosen in the correspondence as an example of how letters become an agent of history.


