Notes on the construction of Order as a study object from socio- cultural history. A priori and findings. Santa Fe, Argentina, 1850- 1900


  • Paula Sedran Investigaciones Sociohistóricas Regionales/ CONICET, Bv. 27 de Febrero 210 bis, Rosario, Argentina. Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos, Urquiza 732, Paraná, Argentina Author


Sociocultural History, City of Santa Fe, Social Order, Nineteenth Century, Behaviour


The analysis of the construction of a new social order in Argentina in the nineteenth century is a multifaceted process. One of the key constitutive aspects of this process to be studied is the transformation of social behavior. Based on a thorough analysis of diverse primary sources such as documents from the city of Santa Fe, it was verified that the moral code representations in individuals and institutions practices was so important that they surpassed regulations. Thus, the hypothesis is that morality was a variable that decidedly influenced upon the institutionalization of a new order. In this work a set of lines of inquiry regarding SF´s case were put forward from a socio- cultural perspective. The research lines refer to state control of public behaviour and intend to contribute to both a discussion about a case-study and to a theoretical and methodological debate about the construction of modern Argentina.



