Power and property: the meta-narrative of the domain and social control


  • Nicolás Salvi Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT). 25 de Mayo 474, San Miguel de Tucumán Author


Property, Power, Real Rights, Foucault, Collective Property


This paper aims to analyze the relationship between the modern conception of Property Law and the categories of Power proposed by Foucault (sovereignty, disciplinary power and biopower). All this by giving an account of how over time (ta- king Jean-François Lyotard’s concepts) a Meta-narrative was built on the idea of property that still persists nowadays and generates a network of abstract power relations that affect people, things and the territory. Also, the text reflects on the collective property as a Micro-story that can jeopardize the hegemonic narrative of individual private property.


